windy fur rundgren

Website under construction. I'm making an art box with release hopefully in 2024/2025.  Edition 22 and contains a full length vinyl with poetry I've composed into music, in my home studio. My work is a healing process of a separation and also an extension of my three forms made out from a circle and a square 1 piano body, 2 ear on a cup and 3 bread with a hidden support. I´ve been painting them repeatedly the last ten years. Im a synesthetic and hear sound when I paint from which I write and compose music.  wanted to be a voice, a larger instrument by standing back to back, in a philosophical and political context. The form represents two pianos standing with their back towards each other. Like how dogs show trust by turning their backs, literally communicating; I don't need to control, I trust you won't bite. Trust is complex and is in my believe a fundament that lacks when it comes to conflicts. Big or small. The moon sewing threads from clouds down in the water and she sometimes let me borrow her silver lining, in-between those two traveling places, air life (intellect) and sea life (senses), I Use her threads as a voice.

Marine Girl with Braces 2020. Permanent Collection of Moderna Museet. Dancing Skeleton 2021. Photo Svante Larsson `Din Plats I Kön` Benhuset Katarina Kyrka 2021.

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: Dialogue with an Instrument C.P.R. New York US 2023. Went through that door and never got back Meet Factory Prague Czech Republic 2022-2023. Nyförvärv Moderna Muséet Stockholm 2023. Performance SuperMarket Stockholm 2023. ´Din plats I kön` trio show Benhuset Katarina Kyrka 2021. Skogen Lyssnar/Forest Listening Enköpings Konsthall 2021. Havet Lyssnar Stene Projects 2020. If Seeing is Believing Fullersta Gård 2018. Konstnärshuset Stockholm 2017. Sisterhood/Systraskapet Vattrång Konsthall 2016. Roundbranch Tarot Painting Galleri Kurant Tromsø Norway 2011.

Konstnärshuset 2017. Photo Windy Fur Rundgren. Havet Lyssnar Stene Projects 2020.  Photo Carl Henric Tillberg

public art Södertörn University, Royal Institute of Technology, Birka Folkhögskola Music program, Health center Biskopgården Jämtland, Swedish Meterological and Hydrological Institute, Moderna Museet Stockholm. Järva District Administration Kista Office. 

Starkt Rättsjag. Owner Statens Konstråd. Placed as a public art piece at KTH.

><><><><><><><><>< _____++++I have a pause from `material and roomy space_focus on music, writings, and taking pictures in my home with iPhone 11 Pro, a blue screen painted wall, through a super 8 lens camera, toy kaleidoscope and using photoshop.+++++_____><><><><><><><><><><><

Flying Eggs in Dawn 2023. 

Catnip & Birch seed 2022. Eye on mans back 2024.